
Chatty Baby

Before I forget, I need to point out that this morning when I got home, we walked Omie to her car and I blew her a kiss and SO DID YOU! It was so sweet and perfect as you are.

Let's go over the words you say in context shall we?

Uh oh!
Mama, mama, mama
Up (whispered sneakily to your Tia Joz in the backseat makes me laugh)
Choo-Choo (we've been LOVING running to catch the choo-choo)
Duht (Duck)
Buhd (bird)
Dahhdee (Doggie-- sound: Auf Auf!)
Mano (hand)
Bay-bee (BABY! This is one of your favorites right now)
Yayy! (and clapping)
Nuh-uh (imitated)
No, no, noo (not imitated, uh oh)
Choos, sahts
Maht (màs)
Weet (wait)
A-po (Apple)
Na-na (Banana)
Awah (Agua! Everything is agua!)

And I've caught you repeating please and thank you in your own unspellable way.

Animal sounds:
Moooh (What does a cow say?)
Tee-Tee (What does a bird say?)
Aaa-aa-oo-aa (What does a monkey say?)
Uuuurrrrhh!! (Hand motion!!) (What does an elephant say?)
Zzzzz (What does a busy bee say?)
Kaa-kaa (What does a duck say?)
Maaaa (What does a goat say?)
Ragghhh!! (What does a brown bear say?)
Hap-hap (What does a bunny say? Pl I'm not teaching you accurately here but wow is it cute)

Oh, and you SCREAM bloody murder if I so much as try to take you away from things you like or want to do like sit atop the counter while I'm getting ready in the morning. I think it is funny. For now..

I can see you slowly have more of an interest in walking but you are too fast of a crawler and you know what you're good at. No rush, little bean.

Here are some recent pictures of you, my sweet baby.

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