
Quick post

You've started to say "Right now" after "CHI CHI TA"

On Friday you pooped on the kitchen floor.

About 2 weeks ago I took Chapstick away from you and you cried, so adorably, "Aah youuu?" (Where are you?")

Today you were dancing on the futon and spinning around and around on the floor and kicking your legs high when we would say KICK!

You are really into Organic bunny cookies, bacon, and ketchup. In fact, you will eat anything with a little ketchup.

Last Thursday I took you to the Aquarium of the Pacific for the first time (mine too) and you ROMPED around the whole time, much more fun for you than watching the fish! Also about two weeks ago you fed goats at the zoo for the first time and started to really enjoy the carousel. When I took you around your birthday you weren't having it so it was awesome to see your growth.

Also, you poop soo much! Like three times a day. But you are also sleeping better at night which is really great, thank you.