

To my God, that is, the loving, giving, benevolent and healing omnipotent energy of the Universe,

I pray For peace, love, and understanding in my household, in our community, and in the world.
I pray For the healing in the relationship with my mother, ongoing compassion for her and Love.
I pray For patience and compassion of myself. For the unconditional and forgiving love of myself.
Patience and compassion for my wonderful partner. That I always recognize that he is a precious gift.
I pray To remember of our divinity and for the constant recognition of each other as kindred spirits sharing a human experience together.
For the guidance of my Higher Self.
I pray For my daughter's joy and happiness forever and always.
I pray For all I meet, to be able to be a reflection of God, the Good and utmost potential within them.
I pray For the presence of positivity, the presence of Unconditional Love.
I ask To be mindful of All Blessings and Abundance.
I ask To be humble and healed of pain and human suffering.
I ask for The operation of my Higher Self in all my interactions but especially those with the gift that is my innocent child.
I ask to be able To take the time to sit in silence and gratitude daily.
I ask for Remembrance of my Spiritual unfoldment and to recognize that all falls within the journey to enlightenment.
I ask to be a vessel of truth and light in darkness.
I ask to be Present and brave and to serve as a model of Goodness to my daughter and to all.
I acknowledge I have everything I need in this very moment.
I acknowledge I have teachers in all who are present in my life that light the way to wholeness.
I recognize that all this is already so within me and only ask that it is manifested and continually revealed in each moment of my blessed life until the day I transition out of this world into the one I came from.
Spirit lives within me.
I am, I is, all that is and in the I is the way, the truth, and the life.

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