
Easter morning

This morning is Easter. Before you were born the only thing Easter was good for was reminding me of a negative experience that I went through when l was 10.

Today I told your Papa that although that happened, since you've been with us Easter has taken on new meaning for me. It represents growth, renewal, life, resilience and newness. These past few days I've been pondering on this and aldo what it means to me to think about Jesus dying. He was an example of transcendance and showed us that what matters is not the body, but the spirit. Also, right before he died he said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." What a guy. We can all be like him and know the Truth. We can all Rise. We can all shine in the Glory.

We didn't do an Easter egg hunt and you probably won't wear your Easter dress. Papa and I just want all of us to be together today and have a day in whixh we do nothing but enjoy eachother. I agreed but also thought we could be vocal about our feelings on this holiday. And so we talked about all that and then he made coffee and took you outside.

When we came back inside you seemed tired and I tried nursing you to sleep but instead you wanted to stand and practice your walking. You walked over to the closet and started pulling on Papa's shirts and bringing them down. Once you realized how fun that was you weren't thinking about "nightnight" anymore. Then you played Peek-a-boo with them! We laughed and your Papa heard us and came in and started tickling you. You finally got worn out enough to fall asleep. I love being your body pillow. And your Mama.

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