
Putting things INSIDE of things

On Christmas Day, Omie taught you how to put a set of 5 coasters into your tin. Everybody would clap for you and you would look up after each time you'd put one in to queue us to say YAYY!! You are so very smart, my baby.


Yesterday (12/27/12: Mylinh, PJ, Uncle Jong and Zito's) was the first time Halena smacked her lips from across the room when I requested a "beso". This is very exciting indeed. I hope she smacks those beautiful little lips on my cheek soon.


Dancin' dancin'

Today when we got home from walking around the Orange Circle looking for Christmas presents, the cutest thing happened. Music played from one of Halena's toys and she was sitting but started hopping on her bottom and moving around and shaking her head! Alex saw it too! This is the first time I've seen her dance without just the kicking she usually does when we dance with her in our arms. Momentous. Adorable.



Today as I was putting her in her carseat to go to the park, Hallie said "a-po" as I handed her her apple. A-PO!

Also, her teeth are closing in together and it makes her look a little older which is awesome but heyyy remember that gummy smile?!

Every night before bed time she thns into Speedy Gonzalez and crawls around the room while being chased by me or Papa on and off the bed. Cracking up! It is the cutest.

Oo and today at the park I was swinging her and got close to her face when she grabbed my hair and went backwards ripping out a chunk. Ouuuuch. More ouch: she bit my shoulder twice today and once yesterday, what the!



Also about a week ago she started "saying" WOWWW.... It's freakin adorable. And impresses everyone.

Oh, and she gives things to me when I say "Damelo".

Clap clap!

Hallie started clapping yesterday in the carseat when Joz was back there with her. Yayyyyyyy!!!!!! And claps!


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To my God, that is, the loving, giving, benevolent and healing omnipotent energy of the Universe,

I pray For peace, love, and understanding in my household, in our community, and in the world.
I pray For the healing in the relationship with my mother, ongoing compassion for her and Love.
I pray For patience and compassion of myself. For the unconditional and forgiving love of myself.
Patience and compassion for my wonderful partner. That I always recognize that he is a precious gift.
I pray To remember of our divinity and for the constant recognition of each other as kindred spirits sharing a human experience together.
For the guidance of my Higher Self.
I pray For my daughter's joy and happiness forever and always.
I pray For all I meet, to be able to be a reflection of God, the Good and utmost potential within them.
I pray For the presence of positivity, the presence of Unconditional Love.
I ask To be mindful of All Blessings and Abundance.
I ask To be humble and healed of pain and human suffering.
I ask for The operation of my Higher Self in all my interactions but especially those with the gift that is my innocent child.
I ask to be able To take the time to sit in silence and gratitude daily.
I ask for Remembrance of my Spiritual unfoldment and to recognize that all falls within the journey to enlightenment.
I ask to be a vessel of truth and light in darkness.
I ask to be Present and brave and to serve as a model of Goodness to my daughter and to all.
I acknowledge I have everything I need in this very moment.
I acknowledge I have teachers in all who are present in my life that light the way to wholeness.
I recognize that all this is already so within me and only ask that it is manifested and continually revealed in each moment of my blessed life until the day I transition out of this world into the one I came from.
Spirit lives within me.
I am, I is, all that is and in the I is the way, the truth, and the life.